Everyone is worthy of hello friends. In this post we will share the quotes of the Kindred champion. You can reach the words below. We wish good fun ...
Kindred In Champion Select
>>> Lamb: "Never one...
Wolf: "...without the other.
>>> Lamb: "You overstep.
When Kindred In Attacking
>>> Lamb: "Embracing life means accepting death.>>> Lamb: "Panic not when life ebbs.
>>> Lamb: "All sparks kindle new flames.
>>> Lamb: "Depart in peace.
>>> Lamb: "Hush now. Rest.
>>> Lamb: "You shine brightly.
>>> Lamb: "Drift gently into oblivion.
>>> Lamb: "How one dies shows how one lived.
>>> Wolf: "Run if you can!
>>> Wolf: "They struggle! Good!
>>> Wolf: "They break too easy!
>>> Wolf: "Feet tire fast!
>>> Wolf: "Ready to chase? Too bad!
>>> Wolf: "This will hurt - lots!
>>> Wolf: "No more words!
>>> Wolf: "Wolf: "Tear out the throat!
>>> Wolf: "Ready to chase? Too bad!
>>> Wolf: "This will hurt - lots!
>>> Wolf: "No more words!
>>> Wolf: "Wolf: "Tear out the throat!
When Kindred On The Movement
>>> Lamb: "Those who dread us grant us the most power.>>> Lamb: "We are not dreams. We are the waking.
>>> Lamb: "The only true death is to never live.
>>> Lamb: "There are so many ways to die.
>>> Lamb: "Those who run from death... stood still in life.
>>> Lamb: "All will know us... in time.
>>> Lamb: "Beauty fades. That is why it is beautiful."
>>> Lamb: "Wolf chases what does not willingly go."
>>> Lamb: "Tomorrow is a hope, never a promise."
>>> Wolf: "Hurry, Lamb. Faster."
>>> Wolf: "I smell their fear.
>>> Wolf: "None can hide.
>>> Wolf: "Follow their tracks.
>>> Wolf: "Bits of them stick in my claws!
When Kindred Makes a Joke
>>> To truly know someone, eat them and walk a mile in their feet.>>> My purpose is eating deadly creatures. My hobby is eating Yordles.
>>> I ate an optimist once, but I couldn't keep him down.
>>> I have evolved beyond jokes. I am now a robot. Beep. Boop.
>>> I have evolved beyond jokes. I am now a robot. Beep. Boop.