Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Zed Champion Quotes

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You can reach the words that Zed said in the game from below. We wish good fun ...

zed champion quotes
zed champion quotes

Zed In Champion Select


>>>The unseen blade is the deadliest.


>>>Do not deny me.

When Zed On The Movement

>>>Without a sound.
>>>No technique is forbidden.
>>>Brave the shadows, find the truth.
>>>Do not fear the shrouded path.
>>>Balance is a fool's master.
>>>Secrets kept are weapons wasted.
>>>The shadows have enlightened me.
>>>Balance is weakness.
>>>The truth lies in darkness.
>>>Tradition is the corpse of wisdom.
>>>What I have done... cannot be undone.

When Zed In Attacking

>>>Only the worthy will survive.
>>>I am the blade in the darkness.
>>>Cut the last breath from them.
>>>The shadow is within.
>>>Punish restraint.
>>>Do not deny me.
>>>They follow the wrong master.
>>>None escape their shadow.
>>>Ignorance is fatal.

When Zed Makes a Joke

>>>Forbidden shadow wins.

When Zed Gets Taunt

>>>Embrace the shadow... or die in darkness!
>>>The merest shade of me... is enough to defeat you!

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