Monday, May 13, 2019

Ezreal Champion Quotes

You can reach the words that Ezreal said in the game from below. We wish good fun.

Ezreal quotes
Ezreal quotes

Ezreal In Champion Select


>>> Quest accepted! ...Wait, where are we going?


>>> Hey, your loss. But I get it.

When Ezreal On The Movement

>>> Impossible comebacks are sorta my specialty.
>>> The gauntlet's for show... the talent's all me.
>>> Jarro Lightfeather never gives up. He learned that from me.
>>> I'm at my best when the worlds at the brink of annihilation.
>>> Little piece of advice: If no one tells you something is impossible, then it's still possible. So go do it.
>>> I rarely know what I'm looking for, but I always find it.
>>> Never met a problem that I couldn't blast away with magic. That I don't even understand.
>>> True explorers follow the compass in their heart.
>>> If I don't know the rules, then how can I be breaking them?
>>> I'm in my element, fighting evil. Life is good.
>>> I hate the word 'steal'. I prefer the word 'liberate' or 'procure'.
>>> When you've got talent, there's not such thing as a lucky shot.
>>> Oh, a plan. Yeah, I totally have one of those.
>>> Exploration runs in my family. It's in my blood.
>>> I'm always open to new ideas. My new ideas.
>>> Once it's a ruin, I can legally loot it.
>>> Nothing stops me. Except for Shuriman parasites. It was... not pretty.
>>> I can't get hauled into wizard court again. Technically I don't have a permit for the gauntlet.
>>> They really hate me in Shurima. And in Noxus. Demacia's lukewarm on me. Haven't been to Ionia yet, seems nice.
>>> Last time I was in Shurima, I decoded some glyphs. Something about a jackal head... End of times... The usual. All I wanted was this ruby scarab. It looks great on my mantle.
>>> Yeah, we'll liberate a priceless artifact or two. Kill some bad guys. Maybe save the world. >>> Y'know, typical hero stuff. It'll be great.
>>> It's not grave-robbing if you have a college degree. Which I do... *cough* not have a college degree.
>>> I unearth the secrets of the past and sell them to the highest bidder. Does that make me a criminal? ...Don't answer that.
>>> I use a fake name in Demacia. Jarro Lightfeather. Sentinel of Light, 8th Order. He's a national hero.
>>> I don't read books about the world. I go out there and see it for myself.
>>> No plan survives first contact with me.
>>> There's an unspoken law in archaeology: Finders, keepers.
>>> Feels like the whole world's gone crazy. Right on schedule.
>>> Who needs a map?
>>> Some people call me a hero. Their word, not mine. But it does have a nice ring to it.
>>> Ooh, did I save my game before this?
>>> I'm rated E for Ezreal.
>>> What level am I on?
>>> Ez tanks, locked and loaded.
>>> Uh, I hold the speed-running record for Hyper Crystal Dungeon. This is nothing.
>>> Woo! Just unlocked the 'Awesome at Everything' Achievement!
>>> Huh... Where's the warp zone?
>>> I'll beat this... League of Legends?
>>> Star Guardians for life! Except during Ezreal time. Gotta have my Ezreal time.
>>> How 'bout a serenade?
>>> Hmm, maybe I'll ask the first star for a tuxedo... And some roses.
>>> I don't want to brag, but I'm somewhat of a cosmic sensation.
>>> Outshine everyone, and no one will see what you're up to.
>>> At least the first star didn't put me in one of those sailor getups.
>>> The entire universe awaits us.
>>> If it's not made of stardust, it's not worth the effort.
>>> I can't believe they talked me into this.
>>> True Star Guardians never burn out.
>>> Gotta admit it, the uniform growing on me.

When Ezreal In Attacking

>>> Time for a true display of skill.
>>> Gauntlet, let's clear a path.
>>> Watch and learn!
>>> Blast 'em, gauntlet!
>>> No time to waste.
>>> Hah! I can blink and still not miss.
>>> Magic? Comin' at you.
>>> Obstacle, meet gauntlet.

When Ezreal Makes a Joke

>>> Ah. Watch this. We will never speak of this again. Ever.
>>> This is no time for jokes. Your jokes. My jokes are great.

When Ezreal Gets Taunt

>>> Call me when the stakes are higher.
>>> You belong in a museum!

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