Thursday, October 15, 2020

Aphelios Champion Quotes

 Hello everybody. We share this post, Aphelios quotes in League of Legends game. Aphelios is a ADC champion. We wish you perfect games. Thanks you.

Aphelios In Champion Select


>>> So many weapons, Aphelios. The deadliest is your faith.


>>> Comdemned to darkness, where our power grows.

When Aphelios In Attacking

>>> The power of your belief.
>>> Soul and skill converge.
>>> Through sacrifice, all things.
>>> By light, the moon speaks!
>>> Believe, Aphelios.
>>> A reckoning in stone.
>>> We hide no longer.
>>> Night embrace you!
>>> Weapons aimed by destiny.
>>> You have bled, so they will.
>>> Every movement, a ceremony.
>>> It ends in silence.
>>> Until night is everything.
>>> They orbit their end.
>>> You are the moon's eclipse.
>>> No thought moves your hand.
>>> This will be your voice.
>>> Your fight echoes even here.
>>> I send you… light.
>>> In your hand. From my heart.

When Aphelios On The Movement

>>> Aphelios… I hear you. I know what you sacrifice.
>>> Even from across the celestial veil… I will be with you, brother.
>>> It always starts with pain. We can only do this together, Aphelios.
>>> Your life upon the altar, brother… I will not betray it.
>>> With every step, two steps. With every breath, two breaths.
>>> Order fights for light. Chaos fights for darkness. In the moon, we have found both: a way to survive.
>>> We are meant to hate each other. But we will show them all, wicked and divine, that we are stronger together.
>>> Will they still call you 'fiend' when they die, looking in your eyes? Or will they see the savior I see, Aphelios?
>>> You knew this would not be easy, the way forward written in scars.
>>> You walk the path of darkness, but you do not walk it alone, brother.
>>> Remember what you have learned, brother.
>>> When your steps falter, brother, follow my voice.
>>> Find your orbit, brother.
>>> Do not look back, Aphelios.
>>> You are the weapon the Lunari need.
>>> By my word, you walk into the night.
>>> You are not alone. Remember our promise.
>>> I am your sister. I am listening.
>>> I'm never further than a whisper echoing in silence.
>>> Even when I close my eyes… I'll never look away.
>>> I am with you… shining above.
>>> Through your eyes, I see such wonders…
>>> Beneath the mask of silence… I know your true face, brother.
>>> Again and again, I see you reach… for me.
>>> How can I help you when I put your life at risk?
>>> From our fortress, I will guide you. I promise.
>>> I beseech the moon to protect you.
>>> I am right. This is what the moon tells me.
>>> Walk where I cannot."
>>> We must find each other before every first light."
>>> We're in this together. Darkness and light.
>>> As light reveals our path, so will darkness.
>>> The brighter my light, the stronger your shadow.
>>> Darkness is not heresy. It lies within us all.
>>> We cannot let fear trap us in twilight.
>>> Our destiny is hidden in the night.
>>> The moon shines brightest in darkness.
>>> The dawn will know the night's silence.
>>> Each of us, an offering.
>>> All we ask is for a witness to our sorrow.
>>> We walk through violence. Born of shadow. Born of light.
>>> Aphelios hyperventilates.
>>> Even when the moon is new, it is there. A whisper to the shadows of your soul… I am with you.
>>> It is as the moon revealed, Aphelios. As beautiful. As terrifying.
>>> Our path is set between the last breaths taken by our enemies.
>>> You will make death more than death, brother. You will make it holy.
>>> We cannot touch the moon. But its light can touch us. Shouldn't that be enough? Light, on our fingers…
>>> Without pain, we would not need faith. The moon would not need us. We would not need each other, Aphelios.
>>> The fortress is quiet. If only you could be here, Phel. You would make this stone seem loud.
>>> If pain is what awaits us in the darkness, brother… we must run to it, unafraid.
>>> What we want, what we need, what we must do… I envy the ignorant.
>>> The Solari call us heretics, but when darkness comes, brother, they will need our light.
>>> You cannot feel the tear running down your cheek. I cannot wipe it away…

When Aphelios Makes a Joke

>>> Aphelios takes a sip out of a bowl, then drops it on the ground, begins coughing, trips over, and falls while the bowl lands on his head.
>>> He then sighs.

When Aphelios Gets Taunt

>>> Aphelios showcases his main and off-hand weapons to the side, and pretends to shoot a flower with his finger.

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