Sunday, October 18, 2020

Camille Champion Quotes

 You can reach the quotes that Camille said in the game from below. We wish good fun ...

Camille In Champion Select


>>> Precision is the difference between a butcher and a surgeon.


>>> I will wait for you to be better.

When Camille In Attacking

>>> Know your place!
>>> Seek my attention at your peril.
>>> Your limitations will be your downfall.
>>> My motives are not your concern.
>>> Don't worry. I'm not finished yet.
>>> Your downfall has already been calculated.
>>> Don't engage if you don't seek to win.
>>> Your feeble efforts are... disappointing.
>>> Excellence is a trait you lack.
>>> Who are you to try and stop me?
>>> I know what I am. Do you?
>>> Purity of form, purity of function.
>>> A weapon's virtue is proven in combat.
>>> Don't be crass.
>>> Do nothing if you wish to be nothing.
>>> Hmph. You may thank me when this is over.
>>> You are utterly unemployable.
>>> This is your best?
>>> You do not want your name on my list.
>>> Your behaviour is unacceptable.
>>> I will make you an irrelevant detail.
>>> Behave yourself.
>>> Hostility works if courtesy fails.
>>> Progress trumps suffering.
>>> You are meek.
>>> How gauche.
>>> I'm old enough to know better.
>>> Pattern breeds weakness.
>>> You will cooperate.
>>> Your lack of strategy disgusts me.
>>> Let me be clear - I will kill you.
>>> I find your skill lacking.
>>> Pathetic.
>>>  Mind your manners - or I'll mind them for you.
>>> This work isn't for amateurs.
>>> You will be forgotten before you're dead.
>>> How inadequate.
>>> You are a means to an end.
>>> Target neutralized.
>>> Ego brings everyone to their knees.
>>> Eye on the target.
>>> Either attack or run, your indecision is repulsive.

When Camille On The Movement

>>> Technology and I have a... complicated relationship.
>>> I bargained my soul for the progress of Piltover.
>>> I'm what you would call a deniable asset.
>>> I ensure the survival of Piltover.
>>> Progress is honed on necessary death.
>>> My skills eliminate the chaos of Piltover.
>>> The harsh memory of one's past does not soften with age.
>>> Regret is what tempers the steel of our soul.
>>> The right word cuts more deeply than a knife.
>>> Fear sharpens every blade.
>>> I don't play the game, I make the rules.
>>> It's not lies that cut but the sharpness of the truth.
>>> Sometimes ambitions must be restrained.
>>> Violence is a means to an end.
>>> Morality is a beautiful servant... and a dangerous master.
>>> Elegance never goes out of fashion.
>>> Piltover will achieve its destiny!
>>> We all have lines. I may have crossed mine.
>>> Another step on the march of progress.
>>> They pay me to find problems... and then dispose of them.
>>> Everything has a place. Forgetting yours is dangerous.
>>> I am employed when negotiations fail.
>>> Society needs rules.
>>> Self-made women need to be more prevalent.

When Camille Gets Taunt

>>> If you don't have the talent to fight, at least have the decency to die.

Taunting an Enemy Caitlyn;

>>> Belts? Is dressing like a commoner fashionable now?
>>> Don't go looking for something you don't want to find.

When Camille Makes a Joke

A Noxian, a Zaunite and a Freljordian walk into my blade. The end.
>>> A joke? Hmm... what do you get when you cross me in a dark alley? Eviscerated.

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