Arcane is an animated television series set in the League of Legends universe. The series was introduced during the League of Legends 10th Anniversary celebrations. It is currently being developed and produced by Riot. The first season was expected to air in 2020, but was delayed to 2021 in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was announced on May 3, 2021 that it will premiere as a special on Netflix in the fall of 2021. On September 25, 2021, the broadcast date of the first 3 episodes was announced as November 6, 2021. Episodes will be broadcast in 3 acts, each act consists of 3 parts. Episodes are approximately 40 minutes long.
Arcane, the new animated series from the creators of League of Legends, takes place in a utopian region called Piltover and the oppressed underground city of Zaun. The series tells the story of the birth of two legendary League of Legends champions and the power that will separate them.
From the creators of League of Legends, Arcane focuses on the birth story of two legendary champions amid the fierce conflict between the rich and glittering city of Piltover and the dark underground region of Zaun. Hailee Steinfeld will voice the character of Vi and Ella Purnell will voice the character of Jinx, while Jayce, Caitlyn, Silco, Mel, Vander, Viktor and Powder are expected to be the other characters to appear in the animation.