Monday, July 9, 2018

Swain Champion Quotes

Everyone is worthy of hello friends. In this post we will share the quotes of the Swain champion. You can reach the words below. We wish good fun ...

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swain lol quotes

Swain In Champion Select


>>> Fear the power you do not see.


>>> Do not confuse cowardice for wisdom.

When Swain Upon First Move

>>> You can sit on a throne, that doesn't make you a ruler. It only means you have an arse.
>>> The outcome was decided when they brought an army, and I brought a demon.
>>> I have seen this place... A vision... A Battle.
>>> If they already call me a villain, what will they call me when I succeed?
>>> It is just as the spies described. A pity I had them executed.
>>> Dead men tell tales that only I can hear.
>>> No quarter. That means no mercy you cretins.
>>> A black flag above Bilgewater. A raven's wing.
>>> I look out upon humanity, and see only a feast.
>>> Dispatch these worms.
>>> Men are too weak to rule, ha ha ha, but I am no man.
>>> I fought the dragons once... Now I have become one.
>>> To end the world with fire. To rule with flame.
>>> At last, I may reveal myself to the dragonslayers.

When Swain In Attacking

>>> A petty squabble for pettier men.
>>> Diplomacy is a subtle art.
>>> Do not try my patience.
>>> Empire above all.
>>> And to think, they called me a "cripple".
>>> You lack discipline.
>>> The ends of war are death.
>>> How tedious.
>>> A conquered nation is a loyal one.
>>> Incompetence surrounds me.
>>> Strength is the only teacher.
>>> We must remind them of their place.
>>> The right to rule, held, in my hand.
>>> This is the least of my crimes.
>>> If you insist on dying.
>>> Submit.
>>> Sacrifices must be made.
>>> Weak of body; weak of mind.
>>> You dare oppose Noxus?
>>> Pity stays the hand of the merciful, but not mine.
>>> I will not tolerate interference.
>>> Try to die with dignity.
>>> This will be my offering.
>>> You would do well to die before my ravens find you.
>>> Know when to die!

When Swain On The Movement

>>> Tell me again all the crimes I've committed, and I'll tell you the price of victory.
>>> We are at war. Do not forget it.
>>> I have killed more men with words than by my own hand. Not for lack of trying.
>>> Destiny marches, like any man.
>>> The more they try to kill me the more they reveal I am on the right path.
>>> To redraw the map, the blood of soldiers must be the ink.
>>> There is always a choice. The truth is no exception.
>>> A new vantage, is all the advantage I need.
>>> I suppose I should be grateful they have the decency to fear me.
>>> A Noxian knows who he is, and what he must do.
>>> The old wounds ache. They are reminders.
>>> Decisions have consequences. This I know well.
>>> They expect me to play fairly. We aren't even playing the same game.
>>> Hmm... I do so enjoy explaining things to idiots.
>>> I could kill them all. But it would be far crueler to show them that I am right.
>>> Never make a bargain with a demon that you intend to keep.
>>> One can read the future in battle lines, assuming one can read.
>>> They are five steps from realizing: I am ten steps ahead.
>>> I was born a patrician. I became a soldier.
>>> Would they even struggle to survive, if they knew what was to come?
>>> I peer through the darkness others fear.
>>> When their lives flash before their eyes, so do their secrets.
>>> A riddle wrapped in a mystery, hidden within us all.
>>> It is not the visions that haunt me, but what I do not see.
>>> A calculated risk is no risk at all.
>>> Is it not enough for Noxus to be strong?
>>> I cannot lead if I allow fools to stumble about before me.
>>> They are blind to the cold logic of this world.
>>> What is one more demon, when I already have so many?
>>> The mud on our boots will hide the bloodstains.
>>> The few for the many.
>>> I've heard what they call me. What a waste of their final words.
>>> A voice whispers in the shadows. Though few can hear it.
>>> The shadows of our empire, are cast by a raven's wings.
>>> After the battle, the ravens feast.
>>> They falter before my dragons.
>>> It is wise to fear the future. It belongs to them.

When Swain Gets Taunt

>>> Every day I rule, Noxus becomes a more perfect expression of my will.
>>> The demon is always in the details.
>>> I would not ask of anyone what I would not do myself.
>>> There can be no unity without purpose, and there is one all men are born to.

When Swain Makes a Joke

>>> I have to know who has a crush on whom.
>>> Which one of you is BeatriceSquare Beatrice again?
>>> Caw caw caw caw caw. There, are you satisfied?
>>> My birds are hungry.
>>> I'll eat your soul myself.

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  • Swain Champion QuotesEveryone is worthy of hello friends. In this post we will share the quotes of the Swain champion. You can reach the words below. We wish good fun ... … Read More

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